We are Electrical Beings Living in an Electromagnetic Universe
LightScalarlight Healing
Remember Tesla?
WaterWe Are 70% Water
Cure Your Water!
FrequencyHealing Device
Helps Instantly
HealthProtocols for Wellbeing
More than Vit. D3 & Quercetine…..
The Root Cause Of Your Unwellness
Treating Symptoms was the choice of past health systems and treatments. But to stay healthy and fit we need preventive treatments and energy shielding to protect ourselves. (think the new wireless phone, Wifi, TV and other smart products.
Frequencies, Acoustic Sounds, Lightwaves, Scalar Light, Electricity, Magnetics with Plasma Water & Clean Foods are the “Tools” of the Future.
We have arrived in this future. Many are in poor health due to the toxic injections, the nose tests, the separation of family and friends and the daily changing information. Toxins found their way in our brain, the hypocampus and Alzheimer and Dementia are on the roof worldwide.
We are forced to re-think everything and use the magnificent more natural tools for our well-being and health. There is a learning curve though as frequencies can be used to uplift and heal us, but also used to hurt us and even do worse (think biosensor hacking, thought-control). Moving forward we are forced to learn more about our Aura, also called the Bio-Field, about the body area network that is used by AI and all kind of industrial companies, the fact that we are wireless beings, that receive and radiate energy (DNA is an antennae), we must relearn how energy works and what is the medical society is doing with us.
Your Soul holds all the Secrets of All Times
Souls With The Same Experiences, Path´s, Potentials, Past-Life´s Are Often Coming Together As Soul-Families
Your Aura holds all the Secrets hidden in your Colors and it a wonderful wireless electrical body part
People With Similar Auras Have Similar Potentials, Gifts As Well As Problems And Illnesses
Frequency, Bio-Sound and Natural Remedies are
the Secret Base of Connecting Frequencies

Contact with the earth as natural medicine
a wonderful way to be healthy
Book by Carolina Hehenkamp, 2016
(some chapter are online in German, use the translate button!)

Chapter 1
Why Barefoot Earthing Can Heal Us
I would like to start Chapter One by describing the benefits of barefoot earthing. I like it myself when books tell me right away what it is all about. Barefoot walking can mean many things, and we may overlook how important this information could be to you and your family.
Barefoot earthing helps us in the very first instance to neutralize the electrical charge in the body, which has an immediate effect on the immune system. People who have been consciously barefoot earthing for a long time say that they sleep better, are fitter during the day and can work longer on the computer without feeling dull and tired. They feel they are less susceptible to flu and colds, age more slowly and…..their aches and pains disappear.
more…… follow this Link to Preface