#connecting frequencies

Biotech Being Used to Achieve 13 out of 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 – Dr. R. Young


Blood - Body - Biofield - Bioelectric - Biomagnetism - Bio Frequency - Bio Hacking Explained Having worked with Dr. Robert Young´s products since the 2000´s and having learned sooo much from his knowledge, his wisdom, his approach to health, I am happy to see this mega important document,that explains a lot what

Biotech Being Used to Achieve 13 out of 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 – Dr. R. Young2023-10-24T13:09:22+00:00

Bioenergy Demonstration by Dr. Valerie Hunt


In den 90-er Jahren, als ich in der Lichtkörper-Lehrer-Ausbildung in Ashland, Oregon, war, kannte ich Valeria und ihre wunderbare Arbeit und Bücher. Ich benutze immer noch verschiedene " Instrumente" von ihr. Hier ist ein älteres Video, in dem sie das aurische Biofeld zeigt, beweist und erklärt, mit dem jeder Mensch geboren wird. https://awaken.com/2012/11/valerie-hunt/

Bioenergy Demonstration by Dr. Valerie Hunt2023-09-05T13:07:03+00:00

PLASMA ACTIVATED WATER – PAUL LEENDERS – nature’s answer to pesticides


Video from 2015 Paul Leenders studied analytical chemistry and has master degree in business administration. After working as an environmental engineer, he became and independent entrepreneur in 1995. Paul develops filters for the International Space Station (ISS), there are currently 80 filters on board of the ISS. Since 2002 he

PLASMA ACTIVATED WATER – PAUL LEENDERS – nature’s answer to pesticides2023-08-30T09:00:15+00:00

The Powertube – hated by Bacteria and Viruses


The Powertube - hated by Bacteria, Viruses and Parasites Indigenous Tribes Are Weaving Perfect Healthy Cell Structures Travelling a lot in central, South and North america I discovered how many tribes and peoples of different ethnics weave patterns of perfect healthy cells and of harmonious energy flows in their fabrics. They also copy the star

The Powertube – hated by Bacteria and Viruses2022-04-12T11:59:25+00:00