Best 6 water filters in case of a nuclear radiation, tested by Mike Adam´s lab!

(Natural News) Cesium-137 is the most dangerous contaminant following a nuclear event. This includes nuclear war, nuclear terrorism or a dirty bomb. Cesium-137 persists in the environment for nearly three centuries, contaminating soils, waterways and the food supply (animal milk in particular) with a radioactive substance that mimics the metabolic pathways of potassium (and therefore out-competes potassium in both plant and animal metabolism, see this journal article in Plant and Cell Physiology: “Cesium Inhibits Plant Growth Primarily Through Reduction of Potassium Influx and Accumulation in Arabidopsis.”)

Cesium is highly radiotoxic. Once cesium-137 is incorporated into your body’s cells — typically introduced through food or water — it is nearly impossible to eliminate. The radioisotope continues to emit radiation from inside your body — at point blank range — with devastating results for chromosomal destruction, tissue degradation and cancer.

Because of the dangers of cesium-137, it is critical to understand how to remove cesium from water using simple, low-tech, low-cost methods. This is what we have achieved in our laboratory testing (see below). This knowledge will allow individuals, families and communities to survive the fallout aftermath of a nuclear event by avoiding cesium-contaminated water.

Using our food science lab instrumentation (ICP-MS, a mass-spec elemental analysis instrument), we tested 28 off-the-shelf water filters for their ability to remove cesium (see below). The results surprised us.

Understanding cesium

Cesium-137 is an unstable, radioactive isotope of cesium with roughly a 29 year half life.

Cesium-133, on the other hand, is the stable, naturally occurring isotope at 100% isotopic abundance. This means cesium only exists in nature at an atomic mass of 133. (See this chart below. m/z means mass over charge ratio. Essentially it means mass.) (Via

Stable cesium is not harmful. It is only harmful in its radioactive forms (of which 137 is the most common) where cesium emits both beta and gamma radiation. As the CDC explains:

Exposure to Cs-137 can increase the risk for cancer because of exposure to high-energy gamma radiation. Internal exposure to Cs-137, through ingestion or inhalation, allows the radioactive material to be distributed in the soft tissues, especially muscle tissue, exposing these tissues to the beta particles and gamma radiation and increasing cancer risk.

Thus, removing cesium from contaminated water is critical for survival in a post-fallout scenario.

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